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Combating the appearance related side effects caused by anti-cancer treatment and surgery may be challenging and stressful, especially for men, because wigs, skin care and makeup are probably not in your vocabulary, much less your wardrobe. Ironically, you may even be told to stop shaving.

The following guidelines will help with common side effects:

  • Use a gentle, chemical-free shampoo, and comb your hair gently.
  • Have your hair cut short when it begins to thin.
  • Cover your head - if you have lost your hair - to protect it from cold, and sun. You can use a cap or choose a hair prosthetic until your hair grows back.
  • Start a skin care regimen with products specific to your sensitive needs, Pelle Sana Naturals.
  • Conceal dark circles, skin discoloration, and fill in brows with natural cosmetics.
  • Use body products to combat your dry, itchy skin.
  • Switch to an electric shaver to avoid cuts that can cause infection and bleeding.
  • Look for ways to unwind and relieve stress.
  • Check with your Physician about any limitations on exercise.

Schedule a complimentary consultation with an expert at one of our hospital based Image Recovery Centers to receive an appearance plan for your recovery and beyond.