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Vomiting often accompanies nausea and may be brought on by various causes. Some of these can include treatment, motion, gas in stomach or bowel, and the smell of some foods.

The treatment of nausea is closely related to vomiting.  Very often, if you can control nausea you can prevent vomiting. At times, however, your best efforts may be unable to prevent either nausea or vomiting.  If vomiting occurs, try the suggestions below to prevent further episodes.

Hints to minimize vomiting:

  • Do not drink or eat until you have the vomiting under control.
  • Once you have controlled vomiting, try small amounts of clear liquids.  Continue taking small amounts of liquid as often as you can keep them down.  Once you are tolerating liquids, gradually work up to your regular diet.
  • Eat small amounts of food every couple of hours. Eat mildly seasoned foods and avoid those with strong odors.
  • Loosen any tight, restricting clothing.
  • Be sure that the room is well ventilated, with no unpleasant sounds or smells.
  • Ask your doctor about medication to control nausea.